This was our itinerary around the USA during summer 2001. We left from
Burlington, Vermont, going south-west. We covered 26000 km in three months, visited 28 National Parks going through about the same number of
We intended to mainly trek in the parks, eventually, because of the
long distances to cover and the number of places to see, we could only go
for day trips and short walks. It was a very enjoyable vacation in the
geological wonders of the not-so-new world, most natural phenomenons
started over 350 000 000 years ago...
en français
[ Taos ] [ Mesa Verde ] [ Durango ] [ Monument Valley ] [ Canyon de Chelly ] [ Petrified Forest ] [ Grand Canyon ] [ Canyonlands ] [ Arches ] [ Capitol Reef ] [ Bryce Canyon ] [ Zion ] [ Las Vegas ] [ Death Valley ] [ Sequoïa ] [ Yosemite ] [ Lassen Volcanic ] [ Crater Lake ] [ Mount Rainier ] [ Olympic ] [ North Cascades ] [ Glacier ] [ Yellowstone ] [ Grand Teton ] [ Rocky Mountains ] [ Wind Cave ] [ Mt Rushmore ] [ Devil's Tower ] [ Badlands ] [ New England ] [ Tips ] [ Camping ] [ Campers ] [ Links ] [ About this site... ] [ Write to us! ]